Welcome to the Development Workshop Namibia resources page. Here you will find a wide selection of training manuals, guide books and storybooks for children, all freely available to download in PDF format. Many of the titles below are available in multiple languages, including Oshindonga, Otjiherero, Silozi, Khoekhoegowab, English and Afrikaans.
Housing For All Brochure
Housing Plans
Informal settlements in Namibia: their nature and growth
Informal settlements in Namibia (summary)
Training Manual
Construction Manual
Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM)
Solid Waste Management (SWM)
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)
Recycling Guide
Build your own tippy-tap
How to build a pit latrine
Coronavirus information
Hepatitis E information
Parents and Educarers
Learning at home guide
Home based learning activities
Parental information book
Childrens' books about Namibia
My Children's Picture Atlas of Namibia
My Namibian Wildlife (vol 1)
Picture Books
A very important tree
Summertime adventure
Story books in Afrikaans
Die Beste Ding Ooit
Lawwe Luidier
Lena se Eerste Dag by die skool
Loki wil nie bad nie
Nie te veel lekkers nie!
Skilpad Soek sy Huis
Vriendskap en Goedheid
Story books in English
The Best Nest
The best thing ever
Cow with one horn
Disability is not inability
Friendship and Kindness
I want to
Kariza's questions
Lena's First Day at School
Loki does not want to bath
Look up!
Mr Sloth
Not too many sweets!
Tortoise finds his home
Story books in Khoekhoegowab
ǂGui ǂkhonxūn ose!
ǀHōgus tsî khoexaǃnâsib
Lenas ǂguro tsēs skoli tawa
Lokib ge ǁāsen ǂgao tama hâ
Story books in Oshindonga
Esiku lyaLena lyotango kosikola
Hawuleke owundji!
Loki ina hala okwiiyoga
Omapulo gaTaleni
Onda hala!
Ongombe yolwiinga
Oshinima oshidhingi kwaayihe
Uukuume nuunahenda
Uulema itashi to ito vulu okuninga sha
Story books in Otjiherero
Ejuv ra Lena Etenga po Sikore
Loki kenokuvanga okurikoha
Omapuriro wa Karise
Ongombe yonya imwe
Ori ovina mbino uitji ouingi tjinene!
Oupanga no Ngaro ombua
Oureman e kau hee okuhina okuyenen a
Story books in Silozi
Isiñi ma sweet a mañata!
Komu ya lunaka lulilunwi
Ku pila ni buhole a ki Kupalelwa
Lipuzo za Manyando
Lizazi la Lena la pili kwasikolo
Loki ha lati kutapa
Silikani ni sishemo