Key Documentation


The following documents relate to the Development Workshop Namibia Housing for All programme. Word documents will be downloaded to your device when you click on their links, PDFs may be viewed online (left click), or downloaded (right click).


Overview - please read first

Public disclosure, view PDF [124Kb]


Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP)

View PDF [5.8Mb]

Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF)

ESMF DWN - V1 2021-03-31
Download MS Word Document [3.4Mb]

Appendix C3 - ESMP Actions Table Template
Download MS Word Document [389kb]

Appendix C3 - ESMP Report Template For Component One or Two
Download MS Word Document [63kb]

Appendix C4 - ESCOP Template For Component Three
Download MS Word Document [48kb]

Appendix E - Stakeholder Engagement Framework V3
Download MS Word Document [128kb]

Appendix F - Land and Acquisition Compensation Framework V2
Download MS Word Document [1.1Mb]


Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs)


DWN Grievance Redresal Mechanisms

View PDF [0.5Mb]